Questions and Answers
With Audrey Moreno
Q & A With Audrey Moreno
Why do I need an editor?
Because EVERYONE needs an editor. It is nearly impossible to have the distance necessary to see what can be improved in your own writing. Getting an educated and experienced editor to review your writing will vastly improve the final product.

What type of clients do you work with?
Authors writing a novel, memoir, book chapter, or academic article.
Business professionals looking for assistance with business writing such as a website, blog, email, presentation, report, or other business correspondence.
English language learners needing assistance with personal, academic, and/or professional communication in English. *Private English language lessons also available. Please contact me for more information.
What makes you unique as an editor?
I’d say it is my versatility working in the humanities, science, and business fields as well as my keen cultural sensitivity and patience. Having lived and worked abroad teaching English and writing for ten years, I have a unique understanding of the challenges faced by non-native speakers of English in particular for clients whose first language is Spanish, French, or Japanese.
How does the editing process work?
First, I will do a free one-hour sample edit of your project. This will give you a chance to see if my editing style and cost estimate fits your needs.
After agreeing to move forward with the project and signing a work contract, I will begin editing your document using Microsoft Word. Tracked changes will be turned on so that you can see my suggested edits and comments throughout the editing process. There will be some back and forth as you look over, comment on, and approve or change any suggested edits within your document.
Once you have approved all edits, I will give you a final thoroughly edited and cleaned up Word document, style sheet, and letter with final comments.
What if I don't agree with an edit?
I will do my best to suggest and help make your writing the best it can be. I am going to give you my informed suggestions based on a style manual, dictionary, and my own highly trained skills, but your writing and your work is your own and you have final say on all edits. If you don’t agree with one of my edits, simply write a question in the comments section, and I will do my best to explain the reason for the edit. If you still do not agree with the suggested edit, just let me know and I will adjust the document accordingly.
Please bear in mind that I’m here to help and support, not tear you down. I love words and writing of all sorts and it is my absolute pleasure to help make your writing the clearest and best it can be.
Why are you called Clear & Simple Communication?
“Clear & Simple” does not mean that I will simplify your work or hamper your creative writing. I simply will do my best to help you get your message across to your reader without messy mistakes or other distractions.
I also pride myself on having clear and simple communication between myself and my clients. I’m an easy person to talk to and just plain nice person to work with.